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Choose your plan


0 ₽
Всегда Бесплатно
  • 1 Campaigns
  • 5 Notifications
  • 100 Impressions / month
  • 1 teams
  • 2 team members
  • Multiple notification handlers
  • 10 days statistics retention
  • 10 days conversions retention
  • All Notifications Enabled
  • No Ads
  • Removable branding
  • Custom branding
  • API access


390 3,900 0 RUB
PROфессиональный подход
  • 10 Campaigns
  • Unlimited Notifications
  • Unlimited Impressions / month
  • 1 teams
  • 5 team members
  • Multiple notification handlers
  • 60 days statistics retention
  • 90 days conversions retention
  • All Notifications Enabled
  • No Ads
  • Removable branding
  • Custom branding
  • API access

PRO Безлимит

0 0 4,900 RUB
Одна Оплата - Пожизненный Доступ !
  • 100 Campaigns
  • Unlimited Notifications
  • Unlimited Impressions / month
  • 5 teams
  • 20 team members
  • Multiple notification handlers
  • 150 days statistics retention
  • Unlimited days conversions retention
  • All Notifications Enabled
  • No Ads
  • Removable branding
  • Custom branding
  • API access

White Label

9,500 ₽
Установка Сервиса на Ваш Хостинг
  • Полная копия нашего сервиса
  • Установка на Ваш хостинг
  • Сервис на Вашем домене
  • Привязка доменов юзеров
  • Брендирование и кастомизация
  • Все виджеты и PopUP окна
  • Никаких ограничений для Вас
  • Личные кабинеты пользователей
  • Панель управления админа
  • Настраиваемые тарифы
  • Привязка платежных систем
  • Добавление любых языков
  • Блог и доп. страницы

Why us?

Customer service
Our support team will help you with any questions you may have regarding our service.
You control all the data that you bring within your account on our website.
We focus on delivering the best experience to you, as we fully understand how valuable time is.

Frequently asked questions

We accept payments via credit cards, PayPal & crypto as well.

Yes, you definitely can cancel your subscription and, you will still have access to all the features that you already paid for until the end of paid date range.

Yes, an invoice will be automatically generated for you after any payments from your account.

We do offer refunds in case something goes wrong or you change your mind, simply contact us if needed.